A FRAGILE TRUST going to IFP Independent Film Week!!

Independent Filmmaker Project (IFP) is an amazing organization that supports indie filmmakers and our films on the journey to completion. One of the wonderful things that IFP does each year is host a fantastic Independent Film Week in New York City where they bring together the best new films with the best in the industry – hoping to generate partnerships, funding opportunities etc. Although we are lucky enough to already have our funding and domestic TV distribution in place (PBS), we are still seeking international, home video, digital, and educational distribution, as well as funds for a theatrical version of the film, and our companion transmedia project. In addition, we are eager to meet lots of festival programmers so we can get on their radar early.

We are thrilled to have been selected to be included in this years “Spotlight on Documentaries” which highlights the best new docs currently in development.

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THE GIRLS IN THE FOREST – second Paraguay shoot


Co-Production Deal with ITVS for National PBS Broadcast