Co-Production Deal with ITVS for National PBS Broadcast

I am thrilled to announce that after a long time in the making, I finally inked the official paperwork for a co-production deal with ITVS for A FRAGILE TRUST. SO… what does this mean? Well, first of all, we are incredibly honored to have been selected for funding through the ITVS Open Call Process, which funds less than 2% of projects. Secondly, this means that we’ve finally got the funds to complete the film, AND it means that the film will have a national broadcast on PBS! We’ll be ramping up production in September (after maternity leave this summer) and couldn’t be more thrilled to be working with ITVS and PBS. It really feels like a dream come true.


A FRAGILE TRUST going to IFP Independent Film Week!!


THIS IS NOISE POP sneak preview review