SHE RUNS, NOW VOTE - Official Launch

When women run for office, they win at the same rate as men.

In 2018, more women than ever before in US History won their primary races. Lauren Baer, of Florida's 18th Congressional District is one - but her story represents the story of so many. Selected for support by the national DCCC as a Red to Blue candidate, Lauren is an inspiring leader, a loving mother, a dedicated daughter, and a loyal wife. In SHE RUNS, NOW VOTE we watch her run through her days, balancing it all with grace and heart, while paving the way for more women to get into politics whether they're moved to action through a personal story or have simply had enough.

SHE RUNS, NOW VOTE is an intimate and normalizing blueprint for what it looks like when a young mother runs for national office, coordinating diaper changes with election events, Costco Runs with canvassing kickoffs, all while inspiring her community to rise up and demand fair and honest representation.

With the midterm elections just under a month away, it’s the perfect time to launch SHE RUNS, NOW VOTE to get the word out about why it’s so important to go to the polls and get women into office.

To find out more, and to get involved, go to


SURVIVORS at IDFA /Amsterdam Human Rights Award


SURVIVORS National Broadcast on POV/PBS